Special thanks goes to the Jimdo team. They supports our project by providing us a free JimdoBusiness account for one year and continue with a free JimdoPro account.
Furthermore, PamBill supports us with a free Pro-Plan subscription, which supports us in billing.
Even the WIRmachenDRUCK team we want to thank. They support us with 6.000 free flyers, stickers and business cards.
Special thanks goes to Cafe glück auf. Since 03.10.18 we can use the Café - also outside the regular opening hours - to produce bracelets. Moreover we get food and drink at special conditions.
Umkleidekabine deliver our "Jutebeutel" out of Organic Cotton for purchasing price. For this a big thank you.
An additional thank goes to our friends and family who support us in this project - be it in the bracelet design, the website layout and in advertising.
Especially we thank Jasper, from him we got our professional product pictures. Take a look on his homepage with great handcrafted projects: https://ohoernchen.wordpress.com/.
Also special thanks to Isabel. With her we designed the Homepage and the hole advertising materials.
A big thank we sent to all donors who have already purchased one or more bracelets and carry on the message.
Spread the message. Fight the disease.